I've been cleaning again, preparing for people to come and view the house. It burns my butt to go to the trouble of getting everything picked up and put away (you crafters know what I'm talking about) only to have no one show. In my heart of hearts, I know the house will sell someday, and try very hard not to get my hopes up each time we get a call. So far the house has shown very few times, so each call we get we do our best to make things as presentable as they can be.
So, I'll not be leaving this morning while people look at the house.
At least it's spit-polished clean in here.

In the process of getting my head around the change in my day, I couldn't help but notice a couple of lovely things:
First, the way the light comes in our kitchen window in the morning.
These beans are soaking for supper, but don't they just look beautiful? If I ever write a memoir, it will probably be called 'my life in canning jars' as they seem to be one of the major themes/props of my adult life.
Oh, and forget Strawberry Fields. We've got Dandelion Fields.

I actually missed my shot on this one by a day. The other field to the north of this one was absolutely spectacular yesterday, but overnight has all gone to seed. Magical to walk through, kicking the seed heads in a light breeze, but really hard to photograph.
This shot was taken from our back gate. It's for all you allergy sufferers who would never go walking out there, but can enjoy the colour.
It promises to be a beautiful long weekend.
Happy May Days,
1 comment:
I love dandilions. They are so pretty in the fields! They add colour! I also enjoyed receiving a bouquet by my dd. Memories! Enjoy your day!
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