I spent a little time today working on Blossom Girl some more...
She finally has a little better context! I got some of the shading done on the ring she's sitting in.
Now is a good time to make decisions about binding, etc., so I've been auditioning bolts. Right now it's between the purple (which matches so much better in real life) and the Navy blue - my current favorite. I think I'll do a wide (1" finished) binding as I did on the Cherub quilt. It makes such a nice frame for the final piece.
I think I'm ready to quilt her. Just a couple more customer quilts, and she'll go on.

Something I've been meaning to post since I got back from New Hampshire...
While I was gone a lovely box that I ordered from Bitter Betty Industries arrived...isn't this the most beautiful packaging, ever?
Inside was my new Tokyo Star Twinkle necklace! I've been in love with Bethany's work for quite some time, and found her great blog through her Etsy shop.
I'd originally hoped that it would be here in time to wear to the banquet in NH, but will wear it for my next big day - tomorrow!
Tomorrow I get to go to Nelson and sign the final property transfer for our new property. We'll soon be acreage owners (only 2 1/2, I know, but c'mon, we've been living in town for the past 15 years)! After that I get to go to Castlegar for my school orientation day. My courses start i

I do like the purple and navy as well. I would lean toward the navy as I think it will pull all your colors out much better.
Yay, the return of Blossom Girl! I agree, the purple or the navy seem to enhance her the best. The turquoise is pretty but it pops so much it pulls the attention away.
I was on vacation in Chicago and thought of you and Blossom Girl. Hubby and I went to the Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows (at Navy Pier), and one of the windows made me think of Blossom Girl:
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