My oh my.

And I still don't have it. Not at home, anyway. No, this post comes to you thanks to a monumental scheduling misunderstanding which has put me at school with enough time to answer all my emails AND post a blog before my first class of '09 starts. Yikes.
So the above photo is of our house with the roof on and the windows in. The one below is the one I sent out with our Christmas letter. The house looks about the same right now, just with about 2 1/2 more feet of snow on the roof - you probably think I'm kidding - but I'm not
It's been a bumper year for snow, and if it were a cash crop, we'd all be rich.

The progress on the house has been consistent in speed, and now all the changes that happen are on the inside. The painter is there now, and the inside is slowly changing into a lovely, lovely colour. The kitchen should arrive mid-month, and the lovely couple that are staining our floor will be here in the 3rd week of Jan.
And because everything is so back logged, photo-wise, I had to post a pic of my boys TWO months ago...

Boy it's good to be back.
welcome back Lisa! you've been missed. the house looks fabulous!
Glad you are back! You've made great progress on the house!
House looks great! Very efficient "green" design. Truly amazing how much you have accomplished in a short time. looking forward to interior pics.
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